"He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

On our way!

On our way!
Getting ready for 8-hour flight from DC to Dakar.


Getting prepared for the plane to be sprayed with pesticide in Dakar.

2013 Team South Africa

2013 Team South Africa
Cape Point

Mama and Baby Baboon

Mama and Baby Baboon
At Cape of Good Hope

Living Way - The Tunnels

Living Way - The Tunnels
Spinach and Tomato plants

New Friends

New Friends
Here I am at Kid's Club with my friend and singing partner, Patience.

Playtime in Masi

Playtime in Masi
Patience and friends play 'rock' game

Late Night

Late Night
Heidi and Donna working to organize crafts for Kid's Club

The Faithful Force Behind Living Hope

The Faithful Force Behind Living Hope
Dinner with John & Avril Thomas, Founders of Living Hope

Living Grace

Living Grace
Living Hope's Homeless & Rehabilitation Center

The morning at Living Grace

The morning at Living Grace
Prepping for lunch

Township residences

Township residences
Image caught while traveling to Mfuleni


Largest informal settlement

Something New

Something New
We convinced Jeremy to try a peanut butter/banana sandwich and he loved it!!

Diabetes Day Event at Ocean View

Diabetes Day Event at Ocean View

Diabetes Event

Diabetes Event
Foot-washing station ready

Capetown Church

Capetown Church
Desmond Tutu preached at this church years ago

On Our Way to Hermanus

On Our Way to Hermanus

Shark Spotting

Shark Spotting
You can't see the ocean, but I wanted you to see the shirt!

Satori's in Kalk Bay

Satori's in Kalk Bay
Photo in honor of the Schultzes!

South African Sunset

South African Sunset
Show me your glory

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Inspiring first day

While I am still suffering from a lack of sleep (I don't guarantee this post will be coherent), I have been reenergized in my soul and am even more anxious to get out in the field tomorrow.  At church this morning Pastor John Thomas, the amazing founder of Living Hope, preached on living selflessly and not selfishly in today's 'it's all about me' culture.  Drawing on 1 Corinthians 13: 2 - 7 he discussed  how we can live selflessly in our marriages, workplaces, and day-to-day interactions with others.  We have to choose to love - choose to be patient, choose to be kind, choose not to be envious, boastful, or rude, choose not to insist on our own way, choose not to be irratible or resentful, choose not to rejoice I wrongdoing, but choose to rejoice in truth, bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things.   This is how our Savior lived and this is how we are called to live.  In some circumstances it is easy to choose love; in others it is not.  However, we need to choose love of others over a selfish love of ourselves to emulate the life of Jesus.  I am sure I'm not doing the sermon justice in this blog, but needless to say it energized me.  (Jeff and the girls, you will be immediate beneficiaries of this).

After this service we attended church in the township of Masiphumelele.  The amount of joy pouring out of the members of the congregation is inspiring considering the environment in which they live.  They do not let their environment and circumstances define them; their faith in Jesus defines them.  And the singing...oh my gosh the singing.  While the words were Xhosa, the sounds and tones left me mesmerized.  So beautiful and heartfelt.  Our teammate, Donna, led the church in a beautiful song as well.  Wow, what an amazing gift she has.  Good singing is not a gift I possess so I kept it parked in the seats and made my own joyful noise!

Finally, we visited Cape Point and  the Cape of Good Hope giving us a glimpse of God's glory.  It gives me chills even as I write about it now.  God is good.  No, God is something so great there is no word for it.

P.S.  About 20 baboons provided some fantastic entertainment roaming the beach and getting in people's (people who don't read warning signs) cars taking food items and then dancing and rolling around on cars.  God has a sense of humor!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful sermon, would have to love to hear it. Wish it can be heard online.
