"He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

On our way!

On our way!
Getting ready for 8-hour flight from DC to Dakar.


Getting prepared for the plane to be sprayed with pesticide in Dakar.

2013 Team South Africa

2013 Team South Africa
Cape Point

Mama and Baby Baboon

Mama and Baby Baboon
At Cape of Good Hope

Living Way - The Tunnels

Living Way - The Tunnels
Spinach and Tomato plants

New Friends

New Friends
Here I am at Kid's Club with my friend and singing partner, Patience.

Playtime in Masi

Playtime in Masi
Patience and friends play 'rock' game

Late Night

Late Night
Heidi and Donna working to organize crafts for Kid's Club

The Faithful Force Behind Living Hope

The Faithful Force Behind Living Hope
Dinner with John & Avril Thomas, Founders of Living Hope

Living Grace

Living Grace
Living Hope's Homeless & Rehabilitation Center

The morning at Living Grace

The morning at Living Grace
Prepping for lunch

Township residences

Township residences
Image caught while traveling to Mfuleni


Largest informal settlement

Something New

Something New
We convinced Jeremy to try a peanut butter/banana sandwich and he loved it!!

Diabetes Day Event at Ocean View

Diabetes Day Event at Ocean View

Diabetes Event

Diabetes Event
Foot-washing station ready

Capetown Church

Capetown Church
Desmond Tutu preached at this church years ago

On Our Way to Hermanus

On Our Way to Hermanus

Shark Spotting

Shark Spotting
You can't see the ocean, but I wanted you to see the shirt!

Satori's in Kalk Bay

Satori's in Kalk Bay
Photo in honor of the Schultzes!

South African Sunset

South African Sunset
Show me your glory

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Another incredible day

Yesterday we were up a little earlier and on our way to the township of Capricorn closer to Cape Town to help out with a health and wellness clinic.  Since I don't have any medical training I invited people to attend, manned the registration table, and served refreshments.  Believe it or not, each of these roles gave me great opportunities to connect with various people.

In addition to HIV/AIDS and TB, diabetes in prevalent in the townships.  At this event Living Hope provided health and wellness information, BMI checks, sugar level testing, and blood pressure, HIV/AIDS, and TB screenings. People of means can take exercise, active lifestyles, and food options for granted.  People in townships don't.  Some may not even know of such things.  Living Hope staff introduced simple exercises with an elastic band and the participants loved it!  The trick now will be getting them to incorporate some purposeful movement or activity into their lives on a regular basis.  A dietician was also on hand to talk about the symptoms of diabetes and a better balanced diet to ward off the possible onset of diabetes.  Unfortunately, it is a struggle for many of these families to eat healthy due to a lack of financial resources and nutrition education.  Overall, the event was a wonderful success.  Before our team departed Capricorn, Rhoda, a Living Hope coordinator, prayed an amazing prayer over our team...very powerful.

After the health and wellness event concluded we headed over to Boulder beach to eat our sack lunches and visit the African penguins.  Though I have seen them before there is just something strange about penguins in Africa.  Too cute.

After lunch it was back to Kid's Club.  I was able to avoid more swinging by carrying their legs making them human wheelbarrows.  They loved that too.  Sometimes the kiddos don't respect each other very well so I took these opportunities to remind them how Jesus would respond to the situation and resolve the conflict.  After singing and praying it was craft time.  The crafts we brought were a big hit.  For the
little ones we made color your own puzzles and the older group made journals.

At Teen Club Heidi gave a powerful testimony about how living apart from God and his will adversely affected her life and the lives of her sons.  However, she returned to her faith and relies daily on The Lord in all of her circumstances.  the teens then made these very beautiful salvation necklaces.  boys and girls alike loved them.

We returned back to the Team House for dinner with John and Avril Thomas, the founders of Living hope.  These are two amazing people of God.  I could listen to their numerous stories of heartbreak and joy in working in the various communities.  A documentary is currently being finished for release next year.  As of right now they will be premiering the film in Denver in March.  I will be sending invitations for you to attend with me.  It's a great way to learn more about Living Hope and missions, and be inspired.

Well, once again it is 11 pm at night and I am not up to date on my posts.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
Please keep the McGhee Family in your prayers as we are missing each other terribly.  Also, Mojo, our new family member is being a very naughty boy!!!!!

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